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A new course seeks to empower teachers to overcome one of the most challenging educational hurdles for today’s children.

Getting students to focus on the text of a sefer – be it a chumash, Mishnayos or Gemara – has always been somewhat difficult. Today, with the amount of stimulation in a child’s daily life, it has become a serious challenge for teachers of text-based subjects to hold their attention.

For the last two years, Igud Hamelamdim, an organization geared toward helping Chabad educators, has run a successful program called “Bifnim” to encourage and enhance inside-the-book study. Now, they are preparing to present a series of instructive webinars led by four master mechanchim and open to teachers of all different ages.

Presenters of the four-part webinar include: Rabbi Asher Oster of Oholei Torah – Crown Heights, Rabbi Mendy Klyne of Cheder Lubavitch Detroit, Rabbi Eily Smith of Lubavitch Educational Center – Miami and Rabbi Chananya Hoffinger of Gemara Academy. Each presenter will conduct an individual workshop outlining the path to cultivating independent learners. The topics presented will address issues and provide tools specific to “Limud Bifnim,” text-based learning.

While the greater share of the challenge is found in learning Gemara, which requires intense focus on the text, the workshops are structured to be relevant to text study of various subjects for all grades and levels.

Teachers in different time zones can be accommodated with a recorded stream at the time that works for them. After registering, registrants will be contacted to confirm how they would like to access the series.


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